Software Vault: The Emerald Collection
Software Vault (The Emerald Collection) (American Databankers Corporation).ISO
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│ 5 - Windows Applications │
4LANGS.ZIP 81600 03-29-94 Ultimate Language Tutor for Windows.
| To learn French, German, Spanish or
| Italian, try this! This program makes
| it easy to learn the vocabulary of any
| of the above languages. Has built-in
| test and flashcard modules. Requires
9LIVE121.ZIP 71851 02-26-94 9 Lives 1.21 for Windows: desktop
| expander. It makes many "virtual
| desktops" available to the user, instead
| of the standard one, reducing window
| clutter & allowing group organization.
ABV30.ZIP 244798 02-13-94 Above & Beyond for Windows: Personal
| Information and Time. (PIM)
ABVBND.ZIP 248823 02-19-94 Above & Beyond 3.0. Windows PIM. Enjoy
| it's superb Dynamic Scheduling. Feel
| your productivity surge as it stream-
| lines your work flow. Handles all types
| of recurring items. Features pop-up
| alarms, week/month views, timers, task
| tracking, launch applications on
| schedule, contact database, auto-
| dialing, and more. Online Help.
| Includes workgroup/LAN support.
ACCEL10B.ZIP 40980 02-27-94 Accel-One 1.0B: Windows interactive
| toy for investigating questions about
| the motion of an object undergoing
| constant acceleration in one dimension.
| Provides graphical, numerical, and
| analytic solutions to such problems.
| Requires: VBRUN200.DLL.
ACCENT22.ZIP 75104 02-13-94 Accent 2.2: Windows Application that
| enables you to input special characters
| that are not normally found on a regular
| keyboard.
ACUBO12.ZIP 5649 02-10-94 AccuBoard 1.2: Cumulative clipboard
| for Windows.
ADDER30.ZIP 71664 02-15-94 Windows calculator specialized to show
| continuous display of the accumulated
| SUM (like the M on a calculator). Also
| has Save-to-file, Store-Recall, Math
| functions and user-definable constants.
AF2MAC.ZIP 9561 02-04-94 WinWord 6.0 template that allows you to
| view the calendar/clock from WinWord.
AFCOLICO.ZIP 5070 01-29-94 Colored toolbar library for WinWord
| 6.0: Enables you to have every toolbar
| in full color.
ALAB11D.ZIP 185848 02-26-94 Audio Lab 1.1D. Windows WAV/VOC/RAW
| Editor * Award-Winning Freeware * MDI,
| edit multiple files Echo/reverb, Ring
| Mod, etc. Real-time spectrum analyzer
| and oscilloscope. Noise gate, Max.
| Volume Digital mixing. Powerful Cut &
| Paste. Hi-quality mathematics engine.
ALBT095B.ZIP 473744 02-08-94 ALBATROS: a CD player for PM.
ALW114.ZIP 620264 02-17-94 Astronomy Lab 1.14 For Windows 3.x.
AMO292.ZIP 178649 02-24-94 Master Amortizer. An amortization
| program for Windows with a number of
| useful functions. It can calculate
| payments, create a comparative table of
| payments and, a variable amortization
| schedule with any start date and any
| year end.
AMPRTSCN.ZIP 139830 02-24-94 PRINT SCREEN FOR Windows 1.0. Press the
| <PrintScreen> key on your keyboard and
| watch your screen print on your printer.
| Use Windows? YOU NEED THIS! A product
| of American Systems.
ANIMOUSE.ZIP 21634 03-01-94 Animouse replaces your Windows 3.x
| mouse cursor with more interesting
| animated and non-animated cursors that
| you choose.
APIM3.ZIP 335160 02-25-94 Achievement Planner for Windows.
APLANR.ZIP 142720 02-06-94 A PROJECT/EVENT PLANNER 2.1 for Windows
| 3.1 <ASP> Quick overall project
| planning, activity scheduling, resource
| scheduling. Can assign income/costs to
| events/resources to estimate project
| income/cost. Can shift all events
| forward/backward in time. Handles
| multiple calendars. Allows free-form
| drawing of events on scale of days/
| weeks/months/yrs. On-line help.
APLANR21.ZIP 142720 02-25-94 A PROJECT/EVENT PLANNER 2.1 for Windows.
| Use for quick overall project planning,
| activity scheduling, and resource
| scheduling. Can assign income/costs to
| events/resources to estimate project
| income/cost. Can shift all events
| forward/backward in time. Handles
| multiple calendars. Allows free-form
| drawing of events on scale of
| days/weeks/months/yrs. On-line help.
APPRUN.ZIP 30224 02-01-94 AppRun is a Word for Windows macro that
| will allow you to launch applications
| from WinWord; most convenient when
| attached to a toolbar icon; easily modi-
| fied to suit your needs.
ASTRO20A.ZIP 545529 02-13-94 Astrological program for Windows 3.1
| (1 of 2) Version 2.0 with print and
| screen options for Radix-, Synastry- and
| Transit Horoscopes. Furthermore there
| is a text evaluation of the birth-chart
| of about 25 pages. Six different House-
| systems the most common being Placidus,
| Koch as well as Equal-Houses.
ASTRO20B.ZIP 1174765 02-08-94 Astrological program for Windows 3.1
| (2 of 2) Version 2.0 with print and
| screen options for Radix-, Synastry- and
| Transit Horoscopes. Furthermore there
| is a text evaluation of the birth-chart
| of about 25 pages. 6 different House-
| systems the most common being Placidus,
| Koch as well as Equal-Houses.
AT201.ZIP 37403 03-01-94 Application Timer. A Windows program
| which launches applications unattended
| on a user-definable schedule. It will
| launch DOS or Windows programs. It can
| every 15 minutes, hourly, daily or
| weekly. Automate operations such as
| weekly. It can automate operations such
| e-mail, reports, intensive calcs, etc.
| tions, e-mail, long reports, intensive
| calculations, etc.
AT202.ZIP 54413 02-14-94 Application Timer: Windows program
| which launches applications unattended
| on a user definable schedule. It will
| launch DOS or Windows programs. It can
| launch programs once, every minute,
| every 15 minutes, hourly, daily or
| weekly. It can be used to automate
| operations such as data collection,
| modem communications, e-mail, long
| reports, intensive calculations, etc.
ATT302AL.ZIP 250936 02-26-94 All the Time 3.02: A modest, unassuming
| little clock that will surprise you with
| its versatility. Show time/date in any
| format you can concoct. Monitor
| memory/resources. Display tree/moon
| graphics showing seasons, moon phases,
| night/day. Customize from minimalist to
| silly to info-packed. Requires:
| VBRUN300.DLL/Windows.
AUTOWAV.ZIP 8070 02-05-94 AutoWave: Lets you play a WAV file by
| simply double-clicking on the filename
| in File Manager. Req: Win/sound
| card/mouse/HD/VBRUN200.DLL.
AWMODEM.ZIP 9198 02-19-94 Latest modem file for PCAnywhere for
| Windows.
BAILOUT.ZIP 13790 03-18-94 BAILOUT 1.0 <ASP> Single-click Windows
| exit utility. Can reside on the Desktop
| or inside a "most used" Group. Uses
| standard Windows calls, so WinApps with
| unsaved files still generate a dialog
| allowing the files to be saved. Windows
| 3.1 or better required. Freeware.
BCPORT.ZIP 33634 02-17-94 Porting Tool - Ports to WIN32 -from-
| Win 3.1.
BIMPZIP2.ZIP 6877 03-09-94 BimpZip 2.0: Window bitmap wallpaper
| manager that ZIPs your BMPs to save disk
| space, and installs a different one each
| time you run Windows. Requires:
BJ600.ZIP 416348 02-01-94 Windows 3.1 updated driver for the
| Canon BJ-600 printer.
BLDHND20.ZIP 46892 02-14-94 BloodHound 2.0: Windows program
| designed to help you locate DOS files.
BMPZW200.ZIP 700945 03-14-94 BITMAPS 2.00 For Windows: Bit Map
| Slide Show For Windows. Easy To Setup
| And Use.
BOING1.ZIP 56832 02-05-94 BOING! 1.0. A Windows 3.1 program for
| playing WAV sound files. BOING! sits
| on your desktop and plays the selected
| sound file when you click on the BOING!
| icon. Support for drag and drop. If
| you have a sound card, or even just the
| PC-speaker driver, you'll love BOING!
| Requires Windows 3.1. Shareware from
| Bob's Software.
CAPCLK25.ZIP 10679 02-11-94 CapClock 2.5: Windows utility displays
| information such as time/date, on the
| left side of the Caption Bar. Req:
CAPT31.ZIP 48115 01-25-94 Capture 3.1: Windows screen capture
| utility. Captures icons and bitmaps.
| Supports region, window, client area,
| and desktop modes. User-definable
| hotkey and fixed scalings are also
| featured.
CBASE163.ZIP 29911 02-19-94 CBase 1.63: Windows special purpose
| relational database for keeping track of
| computer vendors and products. Tracks
| your software licenses, serial numbers &
| upgrade information. Req: VBRUN300.DLL.
CBWLT120.ZIP 884059 02-02-94 Colorado Backup for Windows "Lite" 1.20:
| MS-Win 3.1 backup software. Works with
| CMS Jumbo & Trakker drives.
CCCALC10.ZIP 4040 02-15-94 Credit Card Calculator for Windows:
| simple program to determine how long it
| will take to pay off a credit card. Req:
CDDB07.ZIP 58190 02-22-94 CD Database 0.7e: CD Player for Windows
| allows you to input the name and track
| information, and the program will recall
| them the next time you play the CD. It
| will import from other DB formats as
| well. An indispensable utility if you
| play audio CDs!
CDMW211A.ZIP 406764 03-19-94 CDMaster For Windows 2.11 <ASP> Helping
| you Master your CD Library.It does what
| other catalogers only dream of! Max
| flexibility (user defined fields, pick
| lists & more!) UNLIMITED Tunes, and
| individual artists for each. Out puts to
| printer/screen/file. Labels, 3X5 &
| Rolodex cards. Can Pick CD! on every
| field or combination, even Tune! From
| Unicorn Software Ltd. (1 of 2)
CDMW211B.ZIP 463122 03-04-94 CDMaster For Windows 2.10 <ASP> Helping
| you Master your CD Library.It does what
| other catalogers only dream of! Max
| flexibility (user defined fields, pick
| lists & more!) UNLIMITED Tunes, and
| individual artists for each. Out puts to
| printer/screen/file. Labels, 3X5 &
| Rolodex cards. Can Pick CD! on every
| field or combination, even Tune! From
| Unicorn Software Ltd. (2 of 2)
CDPLAY34.ZIP 287887 03-24-94 CDPlayer 3.4: Windows Audio CD Player
| for both Windows and DOS. Provides all
| the functions associated with a normal
| CD player together with the ability to
| catalogue & search your CD collection.
| Features include Custom, single,
| shuffle, and repeat program play. Fit
| tracks to time, track skip, music
| search, replay track and pause. Plus
| browse through Disc catalog.
CDPLY232.ZIP 79412 03-27-94 CD Player 2.32: MS-Windows compact
| disc player with shuffle play feature.
CDPROW13.ZIP 169538 04-01-94 CDProW 1.3.0 by Perigee Systems.
| Windows record keeping system for CDs
| and tapes. Records artists, titles,
| song titles, etc. Extensive search
| capabilities along with custom
| reports and full on-line help. Full
| import/export and song title printing.
CDW200.ZIP 107349 02-05-94 CD Wizard: New Audio Player for
| Windows.
CEDW25IE.ZIP 62740 02-18-94 CrypEdit 2.50: Menu-driven Windows
| program created to provide you with a
| secure environment to edit, view, and
| print encrypted or decrypted text files
| while also enabling you to encrypt or
| decrypt DOS compatible files of any
| size. Includes built in utilities to UU
| encode/decode any file so that 8-bit
| format files can be transferred over
| systems limited to 7-bit format.
CLARWIN3.ZIP 3548 02-25-94 Clarion PIFs & icon for Windows.
CLIPEXT.ZIP 18297 02-25-94 Clipext 1.0: Clipboard Extender for
| Win.
CLONER.ZIP 34967 02-25-94 Cloner helps you copy reusable compon-
| ents in other visual basic projects to
| new sources. It simplifies file
| movement, editing and management.
| Includes VBRUN200.DLL.
CLPMON12.ZIP 28570 03-25-94 ClipMono 1.2. Windows utility designed
| to capture data to a 2nd monochrome
| monitor.
CLRIGHT.ZIP 5011 02-03-94 Click/Right - allows you to call the
| Program Manager, File Manager, or Task
| Manager by pressing the right mouse
| button anywhere within the top-most
| window.
CLW201.ZIP 139804 02-08-94 CleanUp for Windows 2.00 Helps you
| maintain a clean and well organized hard
| drive. CleanUp for Windows allows you
| to quickly view duplicate files located
| on your hard drive(s) and tag unneeded
| files for quick deletion and recovery of
| valuable disk space. Supports all types
| of hard disks including network drives.
| From Foley Hi-Tech Systems <ASP>.
CODEP240.ZIP 139750 02-14-94 CodePrint 2.40: Windows program used
| for printing ASCII text files, portrait
| or landscape. Multiple columns. Headers
| and footnotes. Change font style and
| size. Include border/column dividers.
| Change margins.
CONSTIT.ZIP 35769 02-01-94 The U. S. Constitution compiled as a
| Windows Help file. Features include
| quick reference guide, hypertext jumps,
| browse sequences, and over 200 search
| terms and phrases.
CQWK130A.ZIP 677705 02-05-94 CMPQwk Reader 1.30: Windows QWK mail
| reader. It's a full-featured MDI
| application with folder tools, spell-
| checker, ANSI viewer, auto-signature,
| and other features. Download both
| CQWK130A & CQWK130B if you want to use
| the spell checker.
CRPGN.ZIP 6474 03-03-94 Winword template which allows you to
| make auto-installer documents for
| macros.
CRPGN20.ZIP 8481 02-06-94 Carrier Pigeon 2.0: WinWord macro that
| allows you to make auto-installer
| documents for macros.
CTHEMOON.ZIP 7348 02-04-94 See the Moon pattern: For use with
| Crosstitch Designer for Windows 2.01.
CTRL_L11.ZIP 174006 03-08-94 File Control 1.11 for use with 1-2-3 for
| Windows (all versions) AND for DOS 3.
| Provides enhances file management with
| 1-2-3 Dir 16.
C_MSTR11.ZIP 860708 02-03-94 The Conversion Master: Dimensional and
| conversion calculator for Windows.
DAGW101.ZIP 72418 03-22-94 Disk-at-a-Glance 1.01 for Windows:
| Shows what's using all your hard disk.
| Tree map with DIR sizes and subdir
| counts/sizes. Pie charts depict 16
| largest DIRs. Analog gauges show free
| space for all drive letters. Can print
| hardcopy of tree map, gauges, & pie
| charts.
DASHV09.ZIP 75802 02-20-94 WIN: Windows System Information
| Dashboard [event processed 01-15-94].
DBMONO.ZIP 9728 02-04-94 Buffered Monochrome monitor debugger
| This tiny program intercepts
| OutputDebugString messages from Windows
| 3.1 and places them on a monochrome
| monitor. Buffers up to 1600 lines so
| you can scroll thru and see text that
| otherwise would of scrolled of the
| screen. FREE. Requires Windows 3.1 and
| Dual monitor setup.
DCLOCK11.ZIP 23760 03-09-94 PM based digital clock.
DESKSHOW.ZIP 25433 02-01-94 Desktop Slideshow exchanges wallpaper
| randomly.
DHCIS.ZIP 66889 02-19-94 Track files under Windows.
DOCBROWS.ZIP 5013 01-16-94 Doc Browser add-in template for WinWord
| 6.x: Lets you quickly move to any part
| of your document.
DODOS11.ZIP 14275 02-21-94 DoDOS 1.1: Windows program which allows
| you to run DOS applications which won't
| normally run from Windows. Achieves this
| by creating a temporary BAT file using
| commands supplied on the DoDOS command
| line, shutting down Windows, running the
| BAT file, then restarting Windows.
DOSDOR11.ZIP 20876 03-02-94 DOS Doorway 1.1 A small Windows utility
| that launches a DOS window by clicking
| on an icon. Version 1.1 has a small
| bugfix and an About Box added. FreeWare
| from Studio, Eh? Productions. Requires
| that you have VBRUN300.DLL on your
| system.
DRGNDR30.ZIP 10913 02-25-94 Drag N Drop 3.0: Windows image viewer
| and file launcher. Supports ICO/BMP/
| color images. Requires: VBRUN300.DLL.
DROPPOP.ZIP 36889 02-10-94 DropPop - is an utility for use with
| the program Dropper. It allows you to
| have icons on your desktop that call up
| menus of other icons. These icons can
| represent applications or documents.
DSKFAC11.ZIP 114053 02-08-94 DISK FACTORY 1.1: Windows-based, high
| speed, multi-tasking copy/compare/format
| utility.
DSPOOLER.ZIP 4845 02-16-94 Dspooler: Windows utility that DLs PRN
| and PS files to Print Manager. Req:
DSTRB3.ZIP 288081 02-04-94 DSTReader 1.X ßeta 3 Final Beta Release
| of DSTReader, a Windows 3.1X QWK Packet
| Mail reader. Features include: Offline
| mail storage, Taglines, Unlimited number
| of messages, unlimited number of
| conferences, ability to rename
| conferences, mulitiple archive type
| support, user definable archive support.
DT0121.ZIP 109872 02-09-94 DirTree 1.21: Window program
| graphically displays the directory
| structure of a selected disk.
EARTHS25.ZIP 77687 02-11-94 Earth & Sun 2.5. Clock icon for
| Windows and also shows the position of
| the earth.
EDIT13.ZIP 117532 02-03-94 EDITEUR 1.3 for Windows: User-
| intuitive, top quality text editor.
| Multitexts, no text size limit, font
| choice. Unlimited number of Undo/
| Redo's. Multitexts Search/Replace
| functions. Moving between Replace
| dialog and texts.
ELEPHNT.ZIP 10915 03-24-94 Elephant Clock for Windows. A stay-on-
| top time display guaranteed not to get
| in your way (it moves as the mouse
| cursor approaches it).
EMAIL300.ZIP 44581 02-18-94 Email 3.00: Windows Network E-mail
| program sends text messages, attaches
| files, pop-up notification, archive
| messages, and creates distribution
| lists. Req: VBRUN300.DLL.
EMAIL301.ZIP 44743 02-07-94 Email 3.01: Windows network e-mail
| program that sends text messages,
| attaches files, pop up notification,
| archive messages, creates distribution
| lists. Req: VBRUN300.DLL.
ENVEL233.ZIP 215515 02-15-94 PrintEnvelope 2.33 for Windows. Com-
| plete mailing system. Print envelopes
| or any size labels. Use different fonts
| for addressee, return address and note
| text or use a Windows .BMP graphic as a
| logo. Type addresses on the fly, paste
| from other applications, use an address
| book or import from Cardfile, dBASE or
| ASCII mail list. USPS approved PostNet
| barcodes.
EXITFAST.ZIP 21122 02-23-94 Exit Windows fast.
EXW10.ZIP 71237 03-17-94 ExitWin 1.0. A very unusual, elegant
| and functional exit to DOS utility.
| ExitWin will place a free floating EXIT
| sign on your desktop. It may be moved
| and locked in position by the user.
| Configurable for Exit and Re-Start or
| Exit Only , Always On Top, Single or
| Double Click to exit, Confirmation,
| .WAV file sound effects. Requires
| VBRUN300.DLL not included.
EZCOMM.ZIP 278669 02-06-94 Ezcom: Simple to use Windows file
| transfer utility. Spartan simplicity is
| the main feature of this program. Ezcom
| must be installed on both the send and
| receive ends. It uses the Zmodem
| protocol to transfer the files. Req:
F12SHEL.ZIP 12180 02-11-94 F12Shell - contains VB3 source code and
| an executable file for a program
| launcher. It has 3 D buttons, a stay on
| top option, and a built-in date and
| time display.
FAX_V117.ZIP 510332 02-14-94 Faxmail 1.17 For Windows: Adds Faxing
| Capability to Windows Applications.
FCLIP40.ZIP 174211 02-12-94 FileClip 4.0, Windows' File and
| Clipboard Manager. Ideal for the novice
| or power user! Provides enhanced file
| management including drag and drop
| floppies, trashcan and printer. Instant
| viewing of files with single click.
| Clipboard stack provides almost
| unlimited undo, and cut paste between
| applications.
FDIAL120.ZIP 113673 02-07-94 Dialer 1.20 for Windows: Dials numbers
| for you. Supports COM1-4. Req:
FILLST.ZIP 7945 02-26-94 Listing of where MS-Word 6 for Windows
| installs itself on your hard drive.
| Helpful if you're having problems
| upgrading from W4W 2.0.
FINDIT.ZIP 90454 03-15-94 Find-It 3.62 for Windows 3.0/3.1, NT and
| OS/2 is the Ultimate file finder! Given
| one or more file specs, date and size
| options, and wildcard characters, the
| tool will search ALL of the specified
| disks for files matching the specifi-
| cation. It will open and scan archives
| in search of it's files. ARC, ZIP, ARJ,
| LZH, PAK, DWC, and ZOO formats are
| currently supported.
FINDR400.ZIP 26715 02-17-94 Finder 4.00: Windows program which
| allows you to swap between all of your
| active applications with tremendous
| ease. Adds a control Icon to the title
| bar of your current active application,
| adjacent to the control menu Icon.
FINDT362.ZIP 90454 03-03-94 Find-It 3.62: Windows disk file search
| utility. Given one or more file specs,
| date/size options, & wildcard char-
| acters, the tool will search ALL of the
| specified disks for files matching the
| specification. Will open/scan ARC/ZIP
| /ARJ/LZH archives in search of its
| files.
FLASH_30.ZIP 142935 03-24-94 WinFlash 3.0 <ASP> This major upgrade
| adds fonts, colors, .BMP graphics, .WAV
| sounds and a new "Auto Learn" mode which
| customizes the selection of questions to
| focus on those not yet learned. Ques-
| tions and answers can be up to 1000
| characters and can be edited from within
| the program. WinFlash is easy for
| children to use - no computer experience
| needed. Memorize fast!
FMA11B.ZIP 139021 03-15-94 FM Applic 1.1B: Windows File Manager
| extension that provides you with the
| Applications menu and more.
FMAPP11C.ZIP 142026 02-20-94 FM Applic 1.1c. Windows 3.1 File
| Manager extension that provides you with
| an Applications menu. Integrates virtu-
| ally any DOS or Windows application with
| the File Manager. Click on files, click
| on application, and PRESTO! Full WFWG
| TOOLBAR SUPPORT! Also, will "auto-load"
| your favorite Drag-Drop applications
| when the File Manager starts.
FMONS342.ZIP 352301 02-02-94 Font monster 3.42 for Windows: TT font
| utility. Rename fonts, edit 50 other
| parameters. Manages ATM/Type1 and TT
| fonts without need to restart Windows.
| Preview and print out font samples and
| catalogs without ever installing fonts.
| Install custom font groups from PM. Req:
FMONST34.ZIP 337233 03-22-94 Font Monster 3.4 for Windows: Excellent
| TrueType & ATM font utility. Rename any
| font, edit misc. Font data. Preview
| TT/ATM fonts before you install them.
| Create font groups which can be install-
| ed by clicking on their program manager
| icon. Has a font printing capability
| for sample pages, character maps and
| font catalogs.
FMV3_5A.ZIP 292326 03-01-94 File Magician with Free Real gold
| Nugget! FM has more features for
| Handling Compressed Archives then all
| other archive programs combined. FM's
| File Management system is truly Awesome!
| A 3-D MS Windows 3.1 program. Nearly a
| 1000 Buttons, Menus, and Edit Boxes!
| With registration A Free 24K Gold
| Nugget. Over 100 Buttons For External
| Programs Programmable Menus and more!
FOFF22.ZIP 86281 03-06-94 Font Off 2.2: MS-Windows program helps
| you maintain your Windows TrueType fonts
| by removing them from your Windows
| System directory and storing them in
| another drive/directory; requires
| VBRUN300.DLL. TARDIS DP Consultants.
FSP530.ZIP 260613 02-01-94 Font Spec Pro 5.30: Windows font
| utility package to manage font groups,
| print fonts, and view fonts.
FTASK120.ZIP 42907 03-18-94 Ftaskman 1.20 (C) 1993 by Andreas Furrer
| Ftaskman is A Replacement For The
| Taskmanager of Windows 3.1. Ftaskman
| Has A Lot of Additional Functions.
| Display Icons of Tasks, Multi-selection,
| Show Invisible Tasks, Set Windows on
| Top, Minimize Other Tasks When 'Switch
| To', Run Programs.
FVW104A.ZIP 852125 03-06-94 New Fractal Vision for Windows:
| Interactive fractal designer with
| tutorial.
FW25.ZIP 157168 02-26-94 Fileware 2.5: Word for Windows Macros.
| The features Microsoft "forgot" to
| include! Create directories; delete,
| rename, move, & copy files - all from
| inside WinWord! Plus: password
| protection, program launch buttons,
| more. Chosen one of the "48 Best Add
| In" products by PC Magazine.
GB302.ZIP 327030 03-10-94 GRADEBOOK FOR WINDOWS v3.02 <ASP> -
| Advanced Windows based GradeBook for the
| professional educator. Req VBRUN300.DLL,
| 2MB and win ver 3.x. Online help, user
| categories, opt ID#'s, tot pt or
| weighted scores, discard worst score(s),
| ext credit, score & grade dist's with
| charts, progress reports, import export
| clipbd & font support, interim weights,
| reqd final scores, teacher notes.
GFILE21.ZIP 245296 02-14-94 File HD Manager.
GINSTMST.ZIP 328222 02-10-94 Group Install Master. This is my first
| attempt to write shareware. This
| program can add and delete Windows 3.1
| program groups/items quickly.
GLBTIM13.ZIP 87878 03-06-94 Global Time 1.3: Colorful and inter-
| active Windows program which displays
| the time throughout the world; travel
| distances can be calculated by simply
| clicking on the world map. English
| Metric measurement conversions can be
| made with the handy calculator. Req:
GMW202.ZIP 423219 03-19-94 Grocery Manager For Windows 2.02. Helps
| with your meal planning/grocery
| shopping, simplifying/speeding up the
| process of making a menu & shopping
| list; requires VBRUN200.DLL. Absolute
| Value Software.
GTWIN170.ZIP 147048 01-09-94 Guitar Teacher with chord database for
| Windows.
GVIA15.ZIP 371564 03-23-94 ViaPrint! for Windows. UPDATE! Version
| 1.5! THE all purpose printing program
| for MS Windows. Use preset Avery label
| templates to print custom Labels,
| Flyers, Business Cards, Audio and Video
| Cassette Labels and more! Import and
| resize .BMPs and Metafiles! Drag and
| Drop design. WYSIWYG format. Color
| capability and freestyle decorative
| boxes.
HELLLP20.ZIP 254518 02-08-94 HELLLP! 2.0: WinHelp Author Tool For
| WinWord 2.0/v6.0: utomates Most
| Functions, Tracks Context Strings, Adds
| Sound, And Other Effects.
HELPED19.ZIP 253977 02-16-94 HelpEdit: Windows Help Tool Editor.
| Develop files without the need of an RTF
| Editor such as Word. Help Edit creates
| all Topic and Definitions and auto-
| matically generates all jump labels.
| Help Edit supports the inclusion of
| Fonts, color, and Bitmaps into your Help
| File. It will automatically generate an
| HPJ file, and call the Help Compiler.
HGOPHR24.ZIP 198277 02-11-94 TCP/IP Internet Gopher 2.4 for Windows:
| Requires a WINSOCK.DLL and a TCP/IP
| protocol stack.
HITLINE.ZIP 65777 02-04-94 HitLine for Windows. A multi-functional
| audio CD-Player/Database. It stores
| Artist, Title, Tracks, Length, etc. in
| a high-speed BTREE-Database.
HLPCOL.ZIP 21442 03-06-94 HelpColr 2.0 for setting the colors in
| your help files, and now also for
| setting the colors of Multimedia Viewer!
| Provides you with a preview mode so that
| you can see exactly how your changes are
| going to look before you implement them.
| Requires VBRUN300.DLL.
HOTBSW.ZIP 189585 05-15-94 HOT BUTTON for Windows. A must-have
| utility for all Windows users. Click on
| it to view almost any kind of file (GIF,
| BMP, PCX, database, word proc., text
| files, ZIP files, spreadsheet). View a
| whole directory of icons at once. View
| self-running slideshows. Has file
| search, delete, copy, and rename
| fuctions. Plays audio CDs and WAV
| files. Digital clock.
HOTTASK.ZIP 141977 02-02-94 Hot Corners 1.5 and Task List 1.0. A
| set of two handy Windows 3.1 utilities.
IC.ZIP 329523 02-23-94 ImageCommander 1.0 <ASP> A Windows
| program for image management and mani-
| pulation. Features include: Organizing
| images into albums. Arrange using drag
| & drop or a sort option. Catalog images
| using keywords & comments for future
| searches. View images in a slide show.
| Print your album as a catalog. Support
| for 21 different file formats. Do file
| conversion.
ICM34.ZIP 154745 02-12-94 Windows Icon manager 3.4.
ICOMAN14.ZIP 56473 02-14-94 IconMan 1.4: Ultimate Windows desktop
| enhancement that modifies how Windows
| handles iconized applications - you no
| longer have icons at the bottom of your
| desktop. They are instead replaced by a
| single window containing buttons which
| have the names of currently running
| applications. Features multiple columns
| of icons, sizable Windows, and sortable
| window titles.
ICONDT20.ZIP 136222 02-21-94 Icon Editor 2.0: Windows program that
| enables you to Draw/Save icons. Req:
ICOUTL13.ZIP 41453 02-04-94 Scan utility for Windows 3.1.
ICOWIN30.ZIP 124602 01-20-94 Icon Editor 3.0: Windows icon editor
| that enables you to draw 16 color icons.
| Extract icons from MORICONS.DLL,
| PROGRAM.EXE, and WIN.EXE files. Drawing
| tools include pencil, straight lines,
| boxes, circles, copy/move, horizontal/
| vertical flip of selected areas or of
| entire icon, and rotate of entire icon.
| Req: VBRUN300.DLL.
IFA200.ZIP 182527 02-11-94 Instant File Access for Windows: Adds
| file management to any application, as
| well as file recall, floating file
| lists, multiple file find/replace, etc.
INFO34.ZIP 613871 02-01-94 INFO RECALL 3.4 for Windows: Info
| Recall is an information storage system
| designed for recall when/how you need
| it.
INIEXE3.ZIP 440592 02-11-94 IniMaint 3.0 for Windows: EXE, DLL.
INIUPDA.ZIP 87991 02-11-94 INI Update and Edit Utility: Helps
| maintain INI files on networked versions
| of Windows.
IPWIN112.ZIP 333840 02-16-94 Info Pop for Windows - Windows Help
| file containing loads of information on
| the Internet and interesting
| destinations.
IQ13.ZIP 68249 03-15-94 Import Quotes 1.3: Windows program
| that will convert and import quotes into
| Quicken. 669 file for SB.
ITUTIL.ZIP 361957 03-09-94 It Utilities 1.5. Trash, View, Zip.
| The It Utilities are extensions to the
| File manager of Window's 3.1. They use
| drag'n'drop to enhance it. There is a
| trash can that keeps files, a viewer for
| any size file, a zip/unzip shell and a
| loader that loads/unloads them when the
| file manager is started or exited.
| Enhanced with sound and animation.
JDY10K21.ZIP 112399 02-03-94 JUDY'S TENKEY 2.1: Powerful Windows
| calculator with scrolling tape, select-
| ible syntax (RPN, tenkey, normal),
| customizable display, financial, stat-
| istics, intelligent copy & paste, keep
| on top, tape entry reuse, and more.
JREHOM55.ZIP 459010 02-01-94 Home Inventory 5.5: Windows program
| that will keep track of your household
| items for insurance purposes. Property
| can be grouped by insurance/personal
| categories, locations, & sub-locations.
| Various reports include insurance limits
| exceeded & expiring warranties. Req:
JWP11_1.ZIP 575346 02-27-94 Japanese Word Processor 1.1 for Windows:
| Type in Roomaji, convert to Kana or
| Kanji (automatic). Also prints!
| (1 of 4)
JWP11_2.ZIP 591877 02-01-94 Japanese Word Processor 1.1 for
| Windows: (2 of 4)
JWP11_3.ZIP 741984 02-09-94 Japanese Word Processor for Windows
| 1.1. 48x48 Kanji font. (3 of 4)
KEY101.ZIP 116323 02-18-94 KEY Search 1.01. Windows Text Indexer.
| KEY Search is able to search through
| your hard disk(s) and index every single
| word found in all the specified file
| types. Files can then be located
| quickly and easily by Keyword. MDI
| interface. Supports automatic applica-
| tion launching and drag & drop.
| Requires Windows 3.1 or later.
KEYMC103.ZIP 104732 02-17-94 Key Macro Player 1.03: Windows add-on
| for WigWam/PowWow that enables you to
| easily automate keystrokes, allowing you
| to perform long and fairly complicated
| automatic actions at one click. Has
| between 10-20 user definable keyboard
| macros available. Supports the
| execution of keyboard macros at
| user-defined times. Req: WigWam
| 1.21i/Mouse/VBRUN300.DLL.
KEYPRO12.ZIP 63324 02-16-94 KeyPro. A text file editor for Windows.
| Features include the display of text in
| both fixed and variable width fonts,
| unlimited file size capacity, tab stop
| settings, optional text and background
| colors, a toolbar with font and point
| size controls, a status bar with line
| and column number display, clipboard
| operations, and more.
KILL15.ZIP 136976 02-02-94 Task Killer 1.5 for Windows 3.1.
| Designed to display all of the modules
| (DLL's and EXE's) currently loaded in
| the system. In addition, Task Killer
| can terminate any module; decrement the
| usage count of DLL's; create multiple
| module lists showing the state of the
| system at different times; compare
| module lists in side-by-side Windows;
| save module lists to files; and more.
KURV1.ZIP 278401 02-11-94 Kurv+ for Windows - is a curve fitting
| program for Windows 3.x. It uses X,Y
| data to determine the coefficients for
| 27 mathematical equations (including
| third and fourth order polynomials).
KURV2.ZIP 331614 02-06-94 Kurv+ for Windows - is a curve fitting
| program for Windows 3.x. It uses X,Y
| data to determine the coefficients for
| 27 mathematical equations (including
| third and fourth order polynomials).
LABEL503.ZIP 42584 02-21-94 Label 5.03 for Windows: Prints text
| labels.
LANT5.ZIP 16635 02-02-94 Lantasti 5.0 Upgrade For Windows: New
LAUN16A.ZIP 103196 02-25-94 Launch! 1.6a for Windows: Launch is a
| fully configurable, toolbox-style
| Windows application. It has a simple
| interface yet has many features. Req:
LBLMKRV2.ZIP 8371 02-19-94 Disk Label Maker 2.0 for Windows.
LBLWZ20A.ZIP 199766 03-02-94 Label Wizard 2.0a for Windows 3.1. An
| all-purpose label utility program.
| Includes templates for several audio
| cassette (J-Card) labels, and a sample
| mailing and floppy disk label. A very
| versatile program that is only limited
| by your imagination.
LOCK23.ZIP 91669 02-01-94 File Locker 2.3: Windows file
| encryption program. It can encrypt
| multiple files at a time. Requires:
LOGIMW62.ZIP 176620 03-15-94 LOGITECH MouseWare 6.20 for Windows.
MACSEE32.ZIP 99102 03-27-94 Windows Utility to read and write MAC
| formated discs (HD) in PC drives. Reads
| all MAC file formats.
MAKLOAD.ZIP 15337 02-27-94 MakLoader - allows you to double-click
| on a MAK file in File Manager and direct
| it to the proper program (VC++, VBWIN,
| VBDOS, or Notepad). Requires VBRUN300.
MATCHIT.ZIP 17504 02-19-94 Match It: Windows picture slide puzzle
| similar to the Concentration game most
| of us played as kids where the object is
| to find matching pairs. Requires:
MDRAW07E.ZIP 69934 02-09-94 MDraw 0.7E: Object-oriented drawing
| package for Windows with toolbar/
| palette, drawing tools, cut/copy/paste/
| del/join/unjoin/move/resize, snap grid,
| hyperlinks, picture export, and
| printing.
MINIDB10.ZIP 410406 03-24-94 Mini-DB 1.0: Small database program
| for Windows.
| Complete label system for Windows 3.1.
| All Avery Laser Label styles. Fonts,
| clipart, and line-drawing. Address book
| with imports for merges. Even
| PostCards and Name Tags. Requires
MOD4WIN.ZIP 578596 03-20-94 MOD player for Windows.
MPEGWIN.ZIP 104717 03-10-94 MPEG Audio player for Windows.
MYSPY.ZIP 200002 02-06-94 Enhanced Windows 3.1 Spy program.
NDW_SMHP.ZIP 495368 02-01-94 Script Maker for Windows "HELP" file:
| Updated help file for Norton DeskTop for
| Windows.
NORSK.ZIP 196016 02-06-94 English-Norwegian/Norwegian-English
| Translator for Windows. Requires:
NUMORSE.ZIP 135171 02-24-94 Morse Code Tutor for Windows.
ODAY200.ZIP 378253 03-01-94 OmniDay personal calendar/journal for
| Win.
OKBUTTON.ZIP 7129 02-23-94 Windows utility that will cause the OK
| button to run from the mouse pointer.
| Fun to play a trick on your friend.
| Place it on the RUN line in the WIN.INI
| file and then sit back and watch their
| reaction when the friend tries to click
| any OK button.
OLEKB.ZIP 50660 02-13-94 Knowledge Base for Windows SDK OLE
| topics.
OLE_HELP.ZIP 23378 03-20-94 This is a Windows Help File on OLE.
OPTMIZ.ZIP 9523 02-07-94 Instructions on Optimizing Word for
| Windows.
ORG_CARD.ZIP 60819 02-16-94 Uses Windows Cardfile application to
| present study cards for Organic
| Chemistry, First semester. Cardfiles
| included are for basic reactions and
| functional groups.
PA57.ZIP 457425 02-18-94 Printer's Apprentice 5.7 New upgrade
| to the best Window font printer/viewer/
| manager! Print specimen sheets for all
| your TT & ATM fonts. Easy to use,
| excellent interface. Req: VBRUN300.DLL.
PAGEME1.ZIP 153407 02-21-94 Send messages to an alpha-numeric pager
| with this easy to use Windows program.
PAGER.ZIP 111942 02-26-94 Windows program dials alphanumeric
| pagers.
PAMMAF.ZIP 7844 02-11-94 WinWord 6.x. Macro that allows you to
| play ANY multimedia object.
PBBSW30B.ZIP 742246 02-24-94 POWERBBS FOR Windows 3.00 (2 of 2)
PBTIPS.ZIP 138747 02-07-94 All Tech tips for PowerBuilder in
| Windows Help file format.
PCB101.ZIP 294137 02-06-94 PC-BARTENDER 1.0 for Windows: Organize
| drink recipes and convert to non-alcohol
| versions. Drinks can be categorized by
| type, name and ingredients. Recipe size
| can be instantly adjusted for any number
| of people. A great program that's
| easy-to-use and a lot of fun. (1 of 2)
PCB102.ZIP 239948 02-01-94 PC-BARTENDER 1.0 for Windows: Organize
| drink recipes and convert to non-alcohol
| versions. Drinks can be categorized by
| type, name and ingredients. Recipe size
| can be instantly adjusted for any number
| of people. A great program that's
| easy-to-use and a lot of fun. (2 of 2)
PEGIF.ZIP 60537 02-04-94 Desktop menu for Windows.
PLABL.ZIP 34566 02-15-94 Print Label - assists in printing simple
| labels on your dot matrix printer. You
| can specify how many labels you want, an
| incremental counter (for a serial/asset
| number), the number of lines between
| labels, number of lines per label, etc.
| Requires VBRUN300.
| - Fills the holes in Windows!
| Award-Winning utility (4 major industry
| awards!). Title- Bar displays, Alarms,
| Launching, Full Sound Support (Events,
| Talking Clock), PowerButton to access a
| multi-level QuickRun menu, Custom
| Cursors, Nested Groups, Resource Alerts,
| System Info, Run with History List,
| and LOTS MORE! From Plannet Crafters.
PMMGR1.ZIP 30426 02-09-94 PMMGR 1.0 <ASP> Provides a capability
| to edit Program Manager groups and items
| using a set of dialogues. Groups and
| items may be created, deleted and
| edited. Items may be copied to other
| groups. PMMGR is a product of MRL. All
| Rights Reserved.
POLYG210.ZIP 20275 02-14-94 PolyGeometrics 2.10 is a Windows 3.1
| Screen Saver. This new version allows
| bitmap files as well as rectangles,
| ellipses, & polygons to bounce across
| your screen. Lots of variations.
| Includes Screen Saving, Password
| Protection and a Help file. Enjoy.
POW101.ZIP 149265 03-23-94 POW 1.0 Windows QWK mail reader.
| VBRUN300 POW is a "One QWK at a time"
| OLR, but with the ability to save
| messages to Folders database. Replies
| created with POW are automatically
| saved into a special folder for this
| purpose. View Bulletins News NewFiles
| etc. Including ANSI. Add, Drop, Reset
| of Tomcat confs supported. Context
| sensitive on-line help.
PPINTRO2.ZIP 702162 03-23-94 PagePlus Intro - "Freeware" Windows DTP
| by Serif, Inc. (2 of 2) Gives you a
| full-featured desktop publisher for
| Windows 3.1 and it only needs 2Mb RAM to
| run, and works with all Windows fonts
| and printers. And the best part?
| PagePlus Intro is a fully functioning
| publisher (NOT a demo) yet REGISTRATION
| is FREE for home & personal.
PRCLIP.ZIP 4163 02-18-94 PrClip: Provides an easy way of doing
| screen prints. Once the data is on the
| clipboard a double click on the PrClip
| Icon will send your clipboard data to
| the printer. Req: VBRUN300.DLL.
PRINTF16.ZIP 24750 02-19-94 PrintFlip 1.6 for Windows.
PRJCT161.ZIP 102844 02-10-94 Projector for Windows 1.61: Movie
| Screen Saver. Plays AVI movies, FLI/FLC
| animations, BMP/DIB bitmaps with WAV
| sounds in user defined multimedia
| script. Many options. Req: 4WRUN.EXE.
PROCD234.ZIP 524025 01-19-94 ProCD Audio Player 2.23b For Windows:
| Allows programmed playback on your
| CD-ROM drive as well as cataloging of
| your entire audio collection, not just
| CDs! Very powerful database search
| options.
PROSCH1.ZIP 924957 02-13-94 Protel for Windows Advanced Schematic:
| Fully functional evaluation. (1 of 2)
PRTY15D2.ZIP 359900 02-01-94 PARITY 1.5. Sophisticated stock
| charting & technical analysis program
| for Windows 3.x. Parity is fully
| functional shareware. (2 of 2) Must
| also have PRTY15D1.ZIP to install
| Parity.
PSW21D.ZIP 106656 03-14-94 PrintSwitch 2.1d. Changes your default
| Windows printer with one click/Hotkey
| press. Configures itself for your
| system and displays all currently
| installed printers. Shows current
| default selection & paper orientation
| and senses any changes. Allows access
| to printer setup, toggling of Print
| Manager on & off and Print Manager
| priority settings. Req: VBRUN300.DLL.
PSW30.ZIP 122275 02-09-94 PrintSwitch 3.0: Simple utility that
| makes changing your default Windows
| printer as easy as one click.
| Automatically configures itself for your
| system and displays all currently
| installed printers. Shows current
| default selection when minimized, senses
| any changes and allows access to printer
| setup and toggling of Print Manager.
| Req: VBRUN300.DLL.
PTTD10.ZIP 141403 03-16-94 Picture This: A full fledged paint
| program for the young at heart that
| includes sound, animation, and special
| effects. You'll be surprised at just
| how fun a Paint program can be, and
| your kids won't leave it alone! Req:
| Windows/VGA/VBRUN300.DLL.
PWF11.ZIP 56964 03-16-94 PGP Windows Frontend for using PGP
| under DOS Windows.
P_RIP203.ZIP 115299 03-20-94 PowerRIP 2.03: This full-screen ripper
| with Windows/mouse support will extract
| MODs, 669s, S3Ms, STMs, and MTMs from
| ANY DEMO that has them! NEW version
| extracts S3Ms and converted STMs.
QCD107.ZIP 377225 02-03-94 QuickCards for Windows: Button sits on
| title bar and accesses over 40 cards
| that walk you through tasks step by
| step.
QL2000.ZIP 65453 02-05-94 Fantastic toolbox to be used as or with
| the Windows Program Manager that puts
| all of your applications only a click
| away.
QUICL20.ZIP 107656 02-09-94 QuiClick. A small and powerful
| programmable toolbar application
| launcher for WIN31. NEW: user-defined
| button size and fonts, drag and drop
| file viewing/printing, better support
| for DOS applications, and more.
QW3R7.ZIP 236032 05-12-94 Quicken for Windows 3.0 release 7
| upgrade patch and patcher.
RECOMM10.ZIP 77578 02-04-94 Recomm 1.0: Windows program that
| enables you to share your modem across a
| NetBIOS network.
REMEMBWN.ZIP 73808 03-09-94 Great Windows program to remind you of
| appointments and other repetitive
| events!
RIGMGR20.ZIP 421617 02-08-94 RigManager for Windows: Control HF
| radio.
RM.ZIP 519095 02-27-94 Radio Manager for Windows is a radio
| control program for the Icom R-7000
| Radio. It should also work with other
| Icom radios. Radio Manager handles
| scanning, delays, 5 priority channels,
| lock-outs, presets, search ranges and
| more. You can choose your own delay
| amounts and priority checking intervals.
| Radio Manager stores data in Bank
| Files that can have 999 banks each.
RMETR101.ZIP 19009 02-21-94 Resource Meter 1.01: MS-Windows
| resource gauge; fully configurable,
| "on-top", colors.
ROCKET11.ZIP 60625 03-22-94 Rockets 1.1: Window program designed
| to provide educational information while
| also providing a source of amusement for
| children as they design and race their
| rockets.
RUDCLKV1.ZIP 1110177 02-03-94 RUDECLOCK 1.0 for Windows: Full sound
| support. Annoying, rude clock!
SABDU250.ZIP 307564 02-10-94 SAB Diskette Utility 2.40 <ASP> Windows
| Diskette Utility Format/copy/compare/
| save floppy diskette images in fore-
| ground or background. Read a diskette
| once and make multiple copies. Save
| images to hard drive. Convert diskette
| image formats while preserving boot and
| reserve sectors. Create distribution
| sets with group restores. Browse
| diskettes and saved diskette images.
SAMDU250.ZIP 74660 02-20-94 Version 2.5 of a sample program for
| using the SABDU001.DLL that comes with
| SAB Diskette Utility. SAB Diskette
| Utility must be obtained separately.
SANTACLK.ZIP 5244 03-12-94 A Christmas clock for Windows. Time
| and shopping days until Christmas
| displayed.
SEARCHR.ZIP 166138 02-11-94 Searcher for Windows - can locate files
| based on file name, path, text contents,
| or attributes. NEW: search and extract
| text in ZIP archives, fast entry recall
| from past sessions, and pop-up context
| sensitive help.
SEEDEE10.ZIP 24355 02-01-94 SeeDee Player 1.0: CD Audio Player for
| Windows. Are you tired of complicated
| & gimmicky CD audio player programs?
| Just want a small program that plays
| your CD's simply and easily? SeeDee
| Player's small interface and ability to
| stay "On Top" of your programs make this
| product a very handy utility!
SETTITLE.ZIP 12902 02-02-94 SetTitle 1.0: Changes title of window
| from command line. Great for notifi-
| cation of progress during batch file.
| Requires: WIN/NT.
SHWCRD20.ZIP 16875 02-26-94 Showcard 2.0: Windows utility that
| makes it easier to view/print Windows
| CardFile information. With find/re-find
| menu items and support for OLE-linked
| files. Req: VBRUN300.DLL.
SH_PIF14.ZIP 126658 02-23-94 Show-PIF 1.40: Windows utility which
| gives you visual, hard copy and/or
| archive access to the details associated
| with PIFs; details available include the
| PIF's DOS filename and all of the
| information shown by PIFEDIT.EXE.
SKYMP20A.ZIP 484375 03-08-94 SKYMAP 2.0 Windows 3.1 Planetarium.
| <ASP> Draws accurate maps of the sky,
| showing stars, planets, deep sky
| objects, comets, etc. Detailed informa-
| tion can be shown for any object. Can
| print maps to any printer. Pictures can
| be displayed, in many formats. For both
| serious amateur & novice users.
SKYMP20B.ZIP 575105 03-12-94 SKYMAP 2.0 <ASP> (2 of 2). SkyMap data
| file archive. Also needed SKYMP20A.ZIP.
SMISHL14.ZIP 82098 02-09-94 SmilerShell 1.4 <ASP> Windows command
| line. Unlike ProgMgr's RUN, it runs
| anything (DOS programs, Windows
| programs, or DOS internal cmds) and
| supports redirection. Built-in cmdline
| editor with history and search, aliases
| (type-in or on Fn keys), fast dir-change
| (like Norton CD) across MULTIPLE drives.
| Toggle-able current directory and/or
| clock in title bar, and much more!
SMTADR10.ZIP 194537 03-13-94 SMART ADDRESS management for Windows!
| A sophisticated new address management
| system for Windows. Full Windows MDI
| support, Modem Support, Envelope
| Printing, Label Printing (both with
| graphics), Mail-Shot capabilities, User
| Configurability, User defined notes,
| sophisticated searching, Import/Export,
| Full Windows Help. (c) 1993 Phil Corley.
SMTCAT16.ZIP 366435 02-02-94 SmartCat Plus 1.6 The ultimate Windows
| Disk/CD Cataloger. MDI, ZIP, ARJ, etc.
| support. Multiple mergeable catalogs.
| Analyzes any format file to determine
| internal files or grab comments. Great
| searching capabilities. Label printing,
| WIN3.1 sound support, multiple display
| options, full font support. CSV export,
| 240 byte comments, Virus Scan, and much
| more!
SMTDOC10.ZIP 27588 02-07-94 SmartDoc 1.0: Converts Windows Help to
| ASCII. SmartDoc can take any Windows
| Help file and extract the text from
| within it and write it to a file, ready
| for processing by another program such
| as a word processor.
SMTFNT11.ZIP 37747 02-01-94 SmartFont 1.1. Ultimate Win Font Pre-
| viewer Permanent on-top display of all
| installed fonts in a small unobtrusive
| window. Double click to zoom-in on any
| font, display data as on clipboard, type
| in any one window, see the change in all
| displayed fonts. See bold and italic
| effects. Hide all displays for instant
| recall later.
SMTTOP11.ZIP 28095 02-03-94 SmartTop 1.1 Always-on-Top utility.
| Allows you to mark any Window as
| "Always-on-Top" (like Windows Help) even
| if it wasn't programmed that way. For
| example, keep the Calculator on top of
| Excel, or clipboard on top of Write.
| Can also front-end programs to always
| start "on-top".
SOLBAK.ZIP 19486 02-22-94 Soldier Backup. A powerful and easy-to-
| use backup system for Windows. You
| simply create a script describing which
| files to backup and a destination, and
| it will backup only files which have
| been modified. A brief tutorial and
| context sensitive help is included.
SPARTA12.ZIP 117083 02-04-94 Sparta 1.2, Macintosh on you PC! Sparta
| replaces the Windows Program and File
| Manager with an easy to use Macintosh-
| like operating environment. Icons,
| Drag'n' Drop, Aliases, Network & CD-ROM
| support, Small icon views, Trashcan,
| etc.
SPELLSEN.ZIP 282155 02-12-94 Spell Sentry 1.0: Win Word, Clipboard,
| and Text spell checker. Checks the
| Clipboard for text that has been put
| there. Correction on-the-fly. Sug-
| gestions as-you-go. Read misspelled
| work in context display of your work.
START11.ZIP 250177 03-13-94 StartUp 1.1: Windows Startup Program
| Manager utility. Iconic, menu, drag and
| drop. Windows Startup. Enhances
| Windows Startup. Permits the user to
| "skip" startup programs. Additional
| features include: variable startup
| timer, delay between programs, replace-
| able parameters at startup. Requires:
STEVES.ZIP 561836 02-17-94 47 different screen saver files for
| Windows 3.1: Put them in your Windows
| DIR.
STICKY13.ZIP 92758 02-13-94 Sticky 1.3. Messaging system for
| Windows for Workgroups that allows
| sending of small notes. Features
| include: Broadcasting messages to
| entire workgroups, changing the note's
| font and color, loading and saving text
| from sent messages. Beach Front
| Software Company. VBRUN300.DLL
| required.
STRIPP11.ZIP 4766 03-01-94 The Stripper 1.1 for Windows: Scans a
| text file, removes any 0x04, and con-
| verts 0x0D-0x0A combinations into 0x0D
| Especially to convert Win PostScript
| files for output on a Macintosh image-
| setter.
SUNSET1.ZIP 337118 02-15-94 SunsetCAD 1.00 CAD program for Windows.
| Sophisticated object based CAD (Computer
| Aided Drafting) program for Windows
| offering many advanced features that you
| would only expect with a package costing
| many times the price. Simple to use but
| and still has many powerful functions.
TASKLR13.ZIP 119393 02-21-94 Task Killer 1.3: Windows program
| designed to display all of the modules
| (DLL/EXE) currently loaded in the
| system. Can terminate any module,
| decrement the usage count of DLLs create
| multiple module lists showing the state
| of the system at different times,
| compare module lists in side-by-side
| Windows, save module lists to files and
| print module lists.
TBAR10.ZIP 58322 02-25-94 Tbar - lets you define a toolbar for a
| particular task and execute any of the
| program's menu commands by selecting an
| item on the toolbar. Requires WIN31.
TBAVW610.ZIP 129532 01-28-94 ThunderBYTE 6.10 for Windows: very
| complete anti-virus package.
TC402PRO.ZIP 542747 02-11-94 Newest Time & Chaos 4.02 for Windows:
| Lots of enhancements. Improved
| categorizes, to do lists, etc.
TIMEKE23.ZIP 39334 02-10-94 Timekeep 2.3: Alarm Clock for Windows.
TKB100.ZIP 297739 04-15-94 Track It! Books 1.00 for Windows <ASP>
| Track, Organize and Catalog your book
| collection. Select Category and
| Personal Rating. Enter Title, Author,
| Publisher, Year Published, Cost, Value,
| Date Purchased, ISBN, Description, etc.
| Create your own Categories and Personal
| Rating lists. Advanced search facility.
| Create various reports sorted by Title,
| Category, Rating or Year Published.
TKC100.ZIP 310663 04-15-94 Track It! Coins 1.00 for Windows <ASP>
| Track, Organize and Catalog your coin
| collection. Select Country, Category
| and Condition. Enter Face Value, Market
| Value, Year Minted, Mint, Mark, Quant-
| ity, Comments, etc. Modify Country and
| Category lists to your liking. Advanced
| search facility. Create various reports
| sorted by Country, Category or
| Condition.
TKH100.ZIP 298543 04-15-94 Track It! Home Inventory 1.0 for Windows
| <ASP> Track, Organize and Catalog your
| personal possessions. Select Category
| and Room. Enter Item, Brand, Model,
| Serial #, Cost, Quantity, Date Pur-
| chased, Where Purchased, Description,
| etc. Create and modify your own Cate-
| gories & Room lists. Advanced search
| facility. Create various reports sorted
| by Item, Category, Room or Brand.
TKS100.ZIP 319108 04-15-94 Track It! Stamps 1.00 for Windows.
| Track, Organize and Catalog your stamp
| collection. Select Country, Topic,
| Stamp Type, Condition and more. Enter
| Description, Catalog Number, Face Value,
| Market Value, Year, Quantity & Comments.
| Modify Country and Topic lists to your
| liking. Advanced search facility.
| Create various reports sorted by
| Country, Topic, Stamp Type, Group, etc.
TKV100.ZIP 306588 04-15-94 Track It! Videos 1.00 for Windows Track,
| Organize and Catalog your video collec-
| tion. Select Content, Format, Category,
| Rating, Personal Rating and more. Enter
| Title, Stars, Producer, Year Released,
| Tape Number, Counters, Description, etc.
| Create your own Categories and Personal
| Ratings lists. Advanced search facility.
| Create various reports sorted by Title,
| Category, Rating, etc.
TMLN4WN.ZIP 1165005 02-01-94 Historical timeline for Windows:
| Emphasizes the history of Religion.
| 10,000 B.C. To 900 A.D. Global
| coverage with much detail for NW Europe,
| India, Tibet, China, and Japan in
| addition to the ancient Mediterranean
| world. Incorporates Replica, a state of
| the art document viewing system for
| Windows. You do not need to own any
| word processor.
TMT201.ZIP 48214 03-06-94 Time & Money Tracker for Windows.
| Tracks the time spent for a project &
| calculates the cost-based on an hourly
| rate. It will also add fixed costs when
| the timer is started. The program will
| track time even when the computer is
| shut off. This program is great for
| consultants who need to track their time
| for clients.
TOOLBOX.ZIP 604503 02-10-94 Set of 42 toolboxes for Windows
| applications. Provides trash can,
| printer, etc.
TRAXTIME.ZIP 771310 02-01-94 TraxTime 1.0. Personal punch clock for
| Win 3.1. Slick design is easy, yet
| powerful. Worth D/L Unlimited # of
| projects and dates. All in/out times
| are easily edited. Req. VBRUN300.DLL.
| Custom reports go to printer/disk/
| screen. Lots of options. Manager's
| version available. Perfect for anyone
| who must know time spent on different
| projects.
TWDYN11.ZIP 77106 02-22-94 TWDYN 1.1 for Windows. Allows you to
| capture portions of Windows & put them
| in your clipboard; formats supported are
| ASCII, Windows METAFILE & CSV (spread-
| sheets & databases); may be processed,
| not just embedded, in your applications.
TXTPRIME.ZIP 7834 02-25-94 A Windows program that computes primes
| between two user-defined bounds. Output
| is in standard Windows text for
| cut/paste.
UNIDR314.ZIP 93927 02-08-94 Uni Drive 3.1.4: Windows universal
| printer driver.
USDEBT53.ZIP 8103 02-06-94 US National Debt 5.3: Windows program
| shows the US National debt second by
| second, your share of it, the US
| Population and World Population. Req:
USERKB.ZIP 503937 02-14-94 Windows SDK Knowledge base for Win32
| API specification 11/93.
UTIL6WIN.ZIP 1108949 02-06-94 Utilities for WPWin 6.0 primarily
| relating to printers.
VALARM.ZIP 419546 02-03-94 Visual Alarm 1.0: Great little alarm
| clock for Windows. Plays WAV file at a
| time, or starts and stops programs at
| specific times.
VBGAMES.ZIP 393641 03-20-94 VBASIC games for Windows with run file.
VBRUN123.ZIP 631134 05-15-94 VBRUN100.DLL, VBRUN200.DLL and
| VBRUN300.DLL runtime libraries required
| for Visual Basic programs in Windows.
VBSYS134.ZIP 49789 02-01-94 Windows System/Setup displayer.
VERLOOK1.ZIP 36710 02-14-94 VerLook 1.0: Windows file version
| resource reader. Reads version stamping
| resource in Windows VBX, DLL, .DRV,
| .EXE, and .FOT files. View or Print
| Results. Req: VBRUN300.DLL.
VIAPRINT.ZIP 94405 02-16-94 ViaPrint: Prints labels, business
| cards, and more under Windows.
VIDVUE21.ZIP 372267 02-12-94 Windows Multimedia Viewer/Slideshow
| Utility. Full GIF, AVI, WAV, MIDI, FLI,
| DCX, and PICT support. Converts,
| prints, enhances. Req: VBRUN300.DLL.
VISDIF.ZIP 129728 02-03-94 Visual Diff 1.0 for Windows. Allows you
| to compare two files, each displayed in
| a separate window side-by-side.
VM14410.ZIP 1058588 02-13-94 VideoMaster 1.0 For Windows: Keep
| Track of Large Video Libraries. Allows
| up to 9 Videos on each cassette. Nice
| Search and Print Utilities. A Must Have
| for the Video Pack Rat!
VOCAB109.ZIP 14699 03-04-94 Vocabulary Builder 1.09. Windows text
| utility that will extract a vocabulary
| list from a document file and save the
| list; open the list at a later time &
| add to it; gives a list & vocabulary
| count for any ASCII file; merge voca-
| bulary files and assign meanings to
| words.
VSW14C.ZIP 71888 02-08-94 VidSwitch 1.4C If you frequently
| change your video resolution you need
| VidSwitch! VidSwitch learns the setting
| for your various drivers and allows a
| quick change from one resolution to
| another. Much simpler and quicker than
| using Windows setup! Requires
VUEPRINT.ZIP 65741 02-26-94 VuePrint for Windows - display and print
| GIF, JPEG, and BMP graphics formats.
| VuePrint is more than twice as fast as
| most other JPEG viewers and can scale
| images more than five-times as fast.
VUPRNT12.ZIP 66233 02-20-94 VuePrint 1.2: Windows program that lets
| you display and print graphics files
| that use the GIF, JPEG, and BMP graphics
| formats.
VUPRNT14.ZIP 67588 02-06-94 VuePrint 1.4: Windows program that
| lets you display and print graphics
| files that use GIF, JPEG, and BMP
| graphics formats.
W4S31.ZIP 110529 03-20-94 Whiskers for Shareware 3.1. MS-Windows
| program that lets you set up the buttons
| of your mouse & the keys of your
| keyboard to operate in virtually any way
| you want (e.g., you can set up the
| right mouse button to be the ENTER key);
| you can assign any of the over 90
| extended ANSI characters to any button,
| key, or shift combination.
WALLY.ZIP 166572 02-14-94 Wally changes your Windows wallpaper.
WALMAN.ZIP 42358 02-16-94 Windows Wallpaper changer that allows
| Wallpaper to go in it's own directory.
| Has a slide show feature for viewing
| wallpaper.
WAVPLY10.ZIP 5090 02-04-94 Wave Player 1.0A: Windows quick WAV
| launcher. Req: VBRUN300.DLL.
WAVUTL23.ZIP 158799 03-25-94 The Wave Utilities 2.3: A Multimedia
| Tool Package for Windows consisting of
| Looper and Player. Play WAVs by
| double-clicking them in File Manager and
| Loop Wave files in the background.
| Special Support For Pro Audio Spectrum
| 16.
WBANK22.ZIP 83298 03-25-94 BankExpert 2.2: Windows program that
| automates the use of your checking
| accounts. Maintains a record of all
| transactions, facilitates balancing the
| account versus the bank's statement,
| permits printing of the checks on any
| standard form that you select, and more.
WBOOK16U.ZIP 13730 02-17-94 WordBook 1.6U for Word for Windows is a
| simple, handy address and phone book
| manager that operates directly from
| within Word for Windows to allow you to
| quickly select and paste information
| directly back into the document you are
| currently working on! PLEASE NOTE: 1.4
| seems to have been distributed with NOT
| 1.4 in it with an "unknown" cause!
WCHG23.ZIP 120847 02-01-94 Win Change 2.3. Windows application
| that provides the ability to globally
| change text in GRP, INI, PIF and other
| file types; multiple change criteria can
| be specified, works across multiple
| drives, including network drives, and
| provides "back out" files in case a
| change goes awry; requires VBRUN300.DLL.
| JRE Enterprises.
WCLK45.ZIP 106475 02-13-94 A Windows global time program that
| displays a colorful map of the world and
| tells the date and time for any parti-
| cular time zone relative to your "home"
| time zone. Great educational tool for
| teaching Time Zone relationships. Major
| cities, with current date/time, are
| scrolled in a Ticker Time Bar, updated
| every minute and may be toggled On/Off.
WCMDE11E.ZIP 209056 03-11-94 Windows Commander 1.10e. File manager
| replacement for Windows, with drag &
| drop, copy/move/delete whole director-
| ies, packer shell for ZIP/ARJ/LHA, full
| text search, command line.
WCTRL11.ZIP 75354 02-08-94 WinCONTROL. Allows quick access to
| several handy Windows functions.
| Features include an easy restart/exit
| Windows option, fast re-boot, and the
| ability to quickly invoke File Manager,
| Control Panel, and Windows Setup. Other
| features include a robust task manager,
| memory resource monitor, and more.
WCV32.ZIP 341259 03-03-94 WinCover 3.2: Prints high quality
| cover sheets and maintains Receiver and
| Sender databases, history logging, full
| printer support for BMPs, full font
| support, Drag and drop file
| manipulations. Full WYSIWYG page setup.
| Supports: WinFax Pro 3.0 for fax
| modems. Requires: VBRUN300.DLL.
WDAT33.ZIP 48514 03-20-94 WingDate 3.3 for Windows. Provides a
| quick visual reminder of upcoming
| important events with the current date
| highlighted. Dates and Events can
| easily be Added, Updated and Deleted.
WDF131.ZIP 101160 03-19-94 DF Lite 1.31 Small MS-Windows utility
| that will make an image of your 360K,
| 720K, 1.2MB or 1.44MB diskette and place
| it in a file on your hard disk for later
| restore; requires EGA/VGA.
WDF140.ZIP 101216 02-04-94 This small utility will make an image
| of your 360K/720K/1.2MB/1.44MB diskette
| and place it in a file on your hard disk
| for later restore. Nice for making
| multiple DISKCOPYs or sending a disk
| over the telephone via modem. Restores
| 5 inch images to 3 inch diskettes or
| visa versa. Make copies of disks while
| doing other work. Req: Windows.
WDISC110.ZIP 71521 02-15-94 A CD player for Windows.
WDT100.ZIP 384429 04-15-94 Debt Analyzer for Windows 1.00 <ASP> A
| package designed to help reduce and
| eliminate debt and save you hundreds of
| dollars in the process. Debt reduction
| is illustrated through a debt elimina-
| tion schedule or through loan consolida-
| tion. Up to 20 debts can be processed at
| one time. Use minimum payments, current
| payments or accelerated payments with
| elimination. Debts can be prioritized.
WFIND21.ZIP 54716 03-21-94 FILE FINDER 2.1 for Windows <ASP>
| Powerful file search program for
| Windows. File finder for Windows is a
| file search program for Windows 3.x. It
| can search all drives, including
| networked drives, and most popular
| archive types. Search types include DOS
| standard, sub-string, regular
| expression, date, time, and size.
WFLASH30.ZIP 143661 03-23-94 WinFlash 3.0 <ASP> This major upgrade
| adds fonts, colors, .BMP graphics, and
| .WAV sounds. New "Auto Learn" mode
| focuses on questions not yet learned.
| Questions and answers can be up to 1000
| characters and can be edited from within
| the program. WinFlash is easy for
| children to use - no computer experience
| needed. Memorize coursework or profes-
| sional material fast!
WFTPD1_7.ZIP 75915 02-27-94 Win 3.x FTP Daemon 1.7: For Winsock.
| WFTPD is an FTP Daemon for Windows,
| which runs on top of any Winsock 1.1
| Stack.
WFUND36.ZIP 245392 03-11-94 FundExpert 3.6 for Windows: A portfolio
| manager for investors in stocks, mutual
| funds and bonds. Many useful features!
WG0970.ZIP 6654 02-13-94 VNETBIOS.386 Corrects Real-Mode
| Transport Problems (WFW311) Windows for
| Workgroups.
WG0971.ZIP 32135 02-04-94 Windows for Workgroups VNETBIOS.386
| Corrects Problems Restarting Windows for
| Workgroups on Token Ring Machines.
WG0973.ZIP 6155 02-26-94 Windows for Workgroups RMM.D32 Corrects
| Five-Second Delay When Starting Windows-
| Based Applications.
WIN3_11U.ZIP 598661 02-08-94 Upgrade Windows 3.1 to 3.11.
WINBAG23.ZIP 92507 03-11-94 Windows utility tool bag for DOS 6.
WINBAR40.ZIP 56594 03-15-94 Winbar 4.0: Clock/system info all
| displayed on a bar. Info includes
| system memory, etc.
WINCAT34.ZIP 387938 03-01-94 WinCat/PRO 3.4. Catalogs floppy disks,
| CD's, hard disks, etc., also contents of
| ARJ, ZIP, LZH, PAK, ARC, ZOO. Easy-to-
| use and very fast. Interfaces with all
| DOS/Windows programs (e.g. WinZip).
| Extensive search/sort capabilities. It
| reads 4DOS description, import from
| text-file, export to DBF, various
| reports, WOODLE label printer with
| WYSIWYG graphic editor.
WINCRYPT.ZIP 35270 04-02-94 WinCrypt for Windows. A game that
| encrypts a phrase using a substitution
| code. Your goal is to decrypt the
| phrase in the shortest time possible.
| This is truly a nice cryptogram style
| game.
WINCUR2.ZIP 22592 02-01-94 WinCur Vol. 2. A collection of 10
| "see thru" cursors for Windows standard
| pointer. All high quality graphics.
| Use in Load line or from the File, Run
| command line or from the Startup Group.
WINDIGO0.ZIP 127880 02-02-94 A Windows program that allows two people
| to play the ancient oriental game of GO
| through eMail, over a LAN or in person.
| Requires 2 meg 386+, <1 Meg HD, Mouse,
| Win 3.1.
WINDIR22.ZIP 13407 02-14-94 Windows Directory Compare 2.2.
WINDIZ10.ZIP 66179 03-09-94 WinDIZ 1.0 The first Windows ZIP file
| ID generator! Just drop zipped files
| from the File Manager. Editing box
| supports up to 2K of text.
WINEXM11.ZIP 21983 02-20-94 EXE Master for Windows: Shows DIET,
| SCRUNCH, and self-extracting files made
| LHARC, plus possible virus files,
| Norton, WordPerfect, Windows files,
| compiled Batch Files, and self-
| displaying TEXT files.
WINFAXJN.ZIP 4996 02-06-94 WinWord 6.0 macro that sends the active
| document as a fax using WinFax.
WINFDATE.ZIP 14696 03-11-94 Windows utility for changing the date/
| time of a file from the RUN command or
| from a program.
WINFIN34.ZIP 353412 03-03-94 WinFin 3.4. Does standard financial
| calculations under MS-Win 3.1, including
| mortgage, Rule 78, lease, bonds, IRR,
| options, more. Supports tables and
| graph views. Requires VBRUN3.
WINHP505.ZIP 212686 02-23-94 Windows 3.1 Help Compiler 5.05.
| Supports Word for Windows 6.0 and more.
WINIMA20.ZIP 227766 02-02-94 WINIMAGE 2.0. THE Windows DISK IMAGER
| Contain both Win 3.1 and WinNT Intel
| version make disk image from floppy,
| extract file from image, make an empty
| image, inject file on it and put the
| image on blank disk. TRUE Windows APP:
| Toolbar, status Bar, 3D-look, drag &
| drop client and server. Change image
| format, defragment delete file on image.
WINIMAN.ZIP 36995 02-21-94 WiniMan. Allows you to configure INI
| files on the fly based on any DOS
| environment variable including your
| boot-up configuration. This program
| does not keep multiple copies of your
| WIN.INI and SYSTEM.INI files, but
| modifies your existing INI files.
WINLINK.ZIP 39469 02-02-94 Win-Link. Expands the capabilities of
| a DOS box in 386 Enhanced Mode. It
| allows you to run Windows programs from
| a DOS box, allows DOS programs to print
| to the Windows spooler, and provides
| Interprocess Communications between
| Windows and DOS applications.
WINPAS11.ZIP 12455 02-24-94 WinPass 1.1 for Windows: Lock Windows
| from snoopers. WinPass locks Windows
| until the correct password has been
| entered. Nice 3-D user interface. Req:
WINSP05.ZIP 49561 02-03-94 WinSpool 0.5: Intelligent Windows print
| spooler with extensive online, context
| sensitive help. Locates/identifies
| print files, then sends them to the
| appropriate printer. Requires:
WINTED.ZIP 340485 02-18-94 Turbo Editor for Windows 3.1.
WINWAV30.ZIP 65322 02-14-94 WinWAV 3.00: allows you to attach any
| Win31 waveform sound file (.WAV) to
| various events in ANY Windows app, even
| windowed DOS apps; you can choose the
| sounds or they can be randomly choosen
| for you; with online help.
WINX10.ZIP 87298 02-01-94 WinX allows any window to be moved and
| used without it first popping to the
| front. The user, not Windows, is in
| control of window depth, or Z position.
| This makes window arrangements on the
| desktop easier to maintain, and side-by-
| side use of applications more effective.
WIPEO122.ZIP 52986 03-01-94 Wipe-Out 1.22. DOS-based program that
| deletes unwanted MS-Windows applications
| (including any associated directories).
WLAB1B.ZIP 737779 03-20-94 Windows Label program specifically for
| Avery Laser Labels.
WM2.ZIP 163088 02-12-94 Weights & Measures. A desktop unit
| conversion program for Windows.
| Requires VBRUN200.
WMB009A1.ZIP 1013680 02-06-94 WIN-MAIL Pointe System for Windows:
| Beta update. (1 of 2)
WMB009A2.ZIP 1135749 02-14-94 WIN-MAIL Point System for Windows Beta
| update. (2 of 2)
WMOS1_0.ZIP 219986 02-13-94 WinMosaic: The popular Macintosh
| program now for Windows stations on a
| network with access to the internet.
| Easily traverse the Internet.
WNBFF19A.ZIP 37200 02-12-94 Mail notification utility for Windows.
WNFAM10E.ZIP 157895 02-09-94 Win-Family 1.0e Windows Genealogical
| program.
WNGDIR10.ZIP 32893 02-04-94 WingDir 1.0: Windows directory match
| and compare program that enables you to
| easily compare two directories, side by
| side; files can be moved/copied/deleted
| from the source directory. Required:
WNOT15.ZIP 159101 03-08-94 NotGNU emacs-like editor for Windows.
WOLRS29.ZIP 165078 02-11-94 WinOnLine Review Num 29: The Original
| WinHelp Magazine. Feature Reviews and
| Shareware briefs. Read about Wolly vs.
| Barney. Feature on DUPE the de-duper.
| Briefs on Destroyer, PMMenu Graphic
| Workshop, and Shadow Screen Saver.
| Qui-Click, Almanac,
WOLRS30.ZIP 109652 02-18-94 WinOnLine Review Num 30: The Original
| WinHelp Magazine. Feature Reviews and
| Shareware briefs. Read about the eerie
WORDCB21.ZIP 51064 02-25-94 WordCab 2.1: File cabinet for WinWord
| 2.x. Allows you to manage WinWord file
| by title instead of by filename.
WORDINI6.ZIP 5498 02-04-94 Word 6.0 for Windows: WINWORD6.INI
| settings contains a list of the sections
| and their corresponding settings in the
| WINWORD6.INI file, located in the
| Windows directory compiled primarily
| from Knowledge Base articles.
WPTOOL11.ZIP 170348 03-02-94 Checkini, Copyini, Replini, WPsbkup,
| Resetwps, Etc. Maintenance Release,
| Added "silent" Switch For WPsbkup.
WR10A.ZIP 363204 02-09-94 Wave Rider 1.0. Windows-based QWK and
| BlueWave mail packet reader. Part one,
| includes the .EXE & help files. (1 of 2)
WR10B.ZIP 264370 04-13-94 Wave Rider 1.0. Windows-based QWK and
| BlueWave mail packet reader. Part two,
| includes the speller and unzipper.
| Requires VBRUN300.DLL, not included in
| this archive. (2 of 2)
WRDINFO.ZIP 71051 01-27-94 WordInfo: WinWord 6.0 add-in which
| contains tools designed to give you an
| alternate interface for customizing
| menus and toolbars, as well as providing
| information on current assignments.
WRDR06C.ZIP 25696 02-23-94 DirChanger 0.6C: Word for Windows 6.x
| DIR changer macro. Assign 8 DIRs for
| global use plus 8 more which are
| template-specific. Remembers last DIR
| for easy "Go Back", change open, change
| save as, and hot buttons.
WRITEL.ZIP 835467 03-24-94 Windows Logging Program: Updated
| drivers.
WSH12.ZIP 91604 02-08-94 WinShred 1.2: Windows file deletion
| utility with sound and animation that
| simulates a paper shredder. Settings
| for confirmation, on top, run as icon,
| screen position and sound. Req:
WSTIME40.ZIP 28542 02-18-94 Win SetTime is a utility that allows
| you to dial automatically and get the
| current universal time from the atomic
| clock, convert it to your local time
| zone and update your system clock with
| it.
WSTIME45.ZIP 58268 02-09-94 Win SetTime 4.5: Program to set the PC
| clock from NIST.
WUNZIP40.ZIP 105936 02-24-94 WinUnZip 4.0. MS-Windows unZIP utility
| that uses internal ZIP routines, rather
| than requiring you to shell to a DOS
| zipper.
WW0981.ZIP 577144 02-03-94 This is an official update file for
| Windows 3.1. It upgrades Win 3.10 to
| Win 3.11.
WWAGES1A.ZIP 69330 02-13-94 WinWages 1.0a. Calculates Hourly,
| Weekly, Monthly, or Yearly wages. It is
| useful when doing "what if" analysis or
| budgeting. An excellent program idea
| with so many people searching for jobs.
| Values reported are approximate.
| REQUIRES MS Windows 3.1 or greater.
| Version 1.0a is a maintenance release.
WYNSAG11.ZIP 30971 02-09-94 WynSage 1.1: MS-Windows unique,
| easy-to-use daily display of famous
| quotations; text attributes (colors,
| bold and 3D-style) are user configurable
| as is the option to be "on top";
| requires VBRUN200.DLL; Nathaniel S.
| Johnson.
XF45.ZIP 29197 02-06-94 Crossfire update to work with Paradox
| 4.5 for Windows.
YEAR.ZIP 4726 02-12-94 Word Perfect for Windows 6.0 macro to
| create a year-at-a-glance calendar. From
| WP/Windows Magazine, January, 1994.
YELLOW.ZIP 57082 02-08-94 YELLOW STICKY 2.0: "To Do" manager for
| Windows. Provides the user with an easy
| method for displaying tasks that need to
| be done and taking them from the list
| when they have been accomplished. A
| replacement for "Postit Notes" that are
| all over your desk. Features a current
| and previous month window, a current
| date list of things to do, and a
| selected date list of things to do.
ZIP2X.ZIP 99670 02-16-94 File to make PC-Tools for Windows 1.0
| compatible with PkZip 2.04g.
ZP101A.ZIP 323007 03-17-94 ZIPPIDY DO DA 1.01: Zip/Area Code
| Finder for Windows. With Time Zones.
| 45,000 ZipCodes, Reports, Clipboard.
| (2 of 7)
ZP101B.ZIP 306602 03-09-94 ZIPPIDY DO DA 1.01: Zip/Area Code
| Finder for Windows. With Time Zones.
| 45,000 ZipCodes, Reports, Clipboard.
| (3 of 7)
ZP101F.ZIP 125529 03-03-94 ZIPPIDY DO DA 1.01: Zip/Area Code
| Finder for Windows. With Time Zones.
| 45,000 ZipCodes, Reports, Clipboard.
| (7 of 7)
_9VIAWIN.ZIP 357753 02-26-94 Viaprint For Windows Update 1.5: All-
| purpose printing program for Windows.
| Use preset Avery label templates to
| print custom labels, flyers, business
| cards, audio and video cassette labels
| and more! Import and resize BMPs and
| metafiles! Drag and drop design.
_SYSINFO.ZIP 25369 02-20-94 SYSINFO Extracts virtually all Windows
| system information using Visual Basic
| 3.0. Also demonstrates playing .WAV
| files with a sound card or Microsoft's
| speaker driver. Requires VBRUN300.DLL
| to run. Demo for 1942: The Pacific
| War. WWII Pacific Flight Simulator
| from Microprose. VCR-type replay of a
| sample mission.